

Bauxite is an editor for oxide projects.



Also see older/other screenshots, the interface is currently in a state of flux.

The interface


The timeline window shown below contains an editor for sequences where the user can drag clips around, in both overlapping and "pushing" modes. (current terminology is: slide = change which portion of source material is displayed within the segment used in sequence, move = move the current clip,. keeping the current clips in and out points constant, thus altering the neighbouring clips respective out/in point, resize = change in/out point (whichever the cursor is closest to, while not changing the neighbouring in/out point. resize over,. acts as a combination of move and resize, changes the duration of the active clip, taking / adding frames from the neighbouring clip. All these operations are accessed by using the left mouse button and dragging in one of the four horizontal segments within a clip. (this paragraph needs to be rewritten, but at least there is a form of semi documentation now,. the bindings will probably change before proper documentation is needed though.)

by depressing the middle mouse button horizontal panning slides all clips back and forth, whilst vertical movement zooms in/out,. the curve editor's curve view follows the sequence editor


The core interface in bauxite, is a layer list on steroids, it directly mirrors the oxide data model. On the right in the main window is the property editor, the property editor shows the properties of the element currently selected in the hierarchy on the left in the main window. For some operations custom cairo based editors have been implemented.

The curve editor is where animation control points are edited, at the moment one can only modify the type of interpolation,. keys are automatically inserted when changing the value in the property editor, in the future interactive editing of keys in the curve editor will be possible. In the developers current version of bauxite the curve editor is again crippled and disabled, and setting of animation key/value pairs is done through the xml,. this is bound to change again later.


A graph editor (evident in one of the older screenshots), will be resurrected

A freer concept than the linear list of layers in the tree view need to surface, ideally the treeview should just end up being a way to debug what is actually shown using other widgets.

cairo based controls overlayed on the actual video output window

the ability to 'tap into' the treeview at any given place, and produce a view on the image data at that point in the process, this is currently possible by using clones, and multiple display nodes,. that process is more cumbersome than neccesary.


Bauxite uses oxide which uses gggl and thus uses gggl ops as plug-ins.


Bauxite is licensed under GPL.


look in ../files/

xhml·css last html rebuild: Wed Mar 30 23:08:10 CEST 2005   pippin@gimp·org