
/* This file is part of GEGL
 * GEGL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * GEGL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with GEGL; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * Copyright 2003 Calvin Williamson
 *           2005-2008 Øyvind Kolås

#ifndef __GEGL_OPERATION_H__
#define __GEGL_OPERATION_H__

#include <glib-object.h>
#include <babl/babl.h>

#include "gegl-buffer.h"


#define GEGL_TYPE_OPERATION            (gegl_operation_get_type ())
#define GEGL_OPERATION(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), GEGL_TYPE_OPERATION, GeglOperation))
#define GEGL_OPERATION_CLASS(klass)    (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass),  GEGL_TYPE_OPERATION, GeglOperationClass))

typedef struct _GeglOperationClass GeglOperationClass;

struct _GeglOperation
  GObject parent_instance;

  /*< private >*/
  GeglNode *node;  /* the node that this operation object is communicated
                      with through */

 * GeglOperation:
 * All the image processing code in GEGL is implemented as GeglOperations,
 * GEGL operations are implemented as GObject with a convenience API called
 * chanting that abstracts away the boiler plater needed to generate introspectable
 * named properties of different types.
 * Most types of operations like: filters, composers, sources, sinks, point
 * operations, compositing operations, and spatial operations with fixed
 * neighbourhoods. These base classes build on top of the GeglOperationsClass:
 * See <a href='gegl-plugin.h.html'>gegl-plugin.h</a> for details.


void gegl_operation_class_add_processor (GeglOperationClass *cclass,
                                         GCallback           process,
                                         const gchar        *string);

struct _GeglOperationClass
  GObjectClass    parent_class;

  const gchar    *name;        /* name(string) used to create/indetify
                                    this type of operation in GEGL*/
  const gchar    *compat_name; /* name used for backwards compatibility
  const gchar    *description; /* textual description of the operation */
  const gchar    *categories;  /* a colon seperated list of categories */

  gboolean        no_cache;    /* do not create a cache for this operation */

   * attach this operation with a GeglNode, override this if you are creating a
   * GeglGraph, it is already defined for Filters/Sources/Composers.
  void          (*attach)                    (GeglOperation *operation);

  /* prepare() is called on each operation providing data to a node that
   * is requested to provide a rendered result. When prepare is called all
   * properties are known. This is the time to set desired pixel formats
   * for input and output pads.
  void          (*prepare)                   (GeglOperation *operation);

  /* Returns the bounding rectangle for the data that is defined by this op.
   * (is already implemented in GeglOperationPointFilter and
   * GeglOperationPointComposer, GeglOperationAreaFilter base classes.
  GeglRectangle (*get_bounding_box)          (GeglOperation *operation);

  /* Computes the region in output (same affected rect assumed for all outputs)
   * when a given region has changed on an input. Used to aggregate dirt in the
   * graph. A default implementation of this, if not provided should probably
   * be to report that the entire defined region is dirtied.
  GeglRectangle (*get_invalidated_by_change) (GeglOperation       *operation,
                                              const gchar         *input_pad,
                                              const GeglRectangle *roi);

  /* Computes the rectangle needed to be correctly computed in a buffer
   * on the named input_pad, for a given region of interest.
  GeglRectangle (*get_required_for_output)   (GeglOperation       *operation,
                                              const gchar         *input_pad,
                                              const GeglRectangle *roi);

  /* Adjust result rect, adapts the rectangle used for computing results.
   * (useful for global operations like contrast stretching, as well as
   * file loaders to force caching of the full raster).
  GeglRectangle (*get_cached_region)         (GeglOperation       *operation,
                                              const GeglRectangle *roi);

  /* Perform processing and provide @output_pad with data for the
   * region of interest @roi.
   * For a GeglOperation _without_ output pads, for example a PNG save
   * operation, @output_pad shall be ignored and @roi then instead
   * specifies the data available for consumption.
  gboolean      (*process)                   (GeglOperation        *operation,
                                              GeglOperationContext *context,
                                              const gchar          *output_pad,
                                              const GeglRectangle  *roi);

  /* XXX: What is GeglNode doing in this part of the API?
   * Returns the node providing data for a specific location within the
   * operations output. Does this recurse?, perhaps it should only point out
   * which pad the data is coming from?
  GeglNode*     (*detect)                    (GeglOperation       *operation,
                                              gint                 x,
                                              gint                 y);

GType           gegl_operation_get_type        (void) G_GNUC_CONST;

GeglRectangle   gegl_operation_get_invalidated_by_change
                                             (GeglOperation *operation,
                                              const gchar   *input_pad,
                                              const GeglRectangle *roi);
GeglRectangle   gegl_operation_get_bounding_box  (GeglOperation *operation);

/* retrieves the bounding box of an input pad */
GeglRectangle * gegl_operation_source_get_bounding_box
                                             (GeglOperation *operation,
                                              const gchar   *pad_name);

GeglRectangle   gegl_operation_get_cached_region
                                             (GeglOperation *operation,
                                              const GeglRectangle *roi);

GeglRectangle   gegl_operation_get_required_for_output
                                             (GeglOperation *operation,
                                              const gchar   *input_pad,
                                              const GeglRectangle *roi);

GeglNode       *gegl_operation_detect        (GeglOperation *operation,
                                              gint           x,
                                              gint           y);

/* virtual method invokers that change behavior based on the roi being computed,
 * needs a context_id being based that is used for storing context data.

void            gegl_operation_attach        (GeglOperation *operation,
                                              GeglNode      *node);
void            gegl_operation_prepare       (GeglOperation *operation);
gboolean        gegl_operation_process       (GeglOperation *operation,
                                              GeglOperationContext *context,
                                              const gchar   *output_pad,
                                              const GeglRectangle *roi);

/* create a pad for a specified property for this operation, this method is
 * to be called from the attach method of operations, most operations do not
 * have to care about this since a super class like filter, sink, source or
 * composer already does so.
void            gegl_operation_create_pad    (GeglOperation *operation,
                                              GParamSpec    *param_spec);

/* specify the bablformat for a pad on this operation (XXX: document when
 * this is legal, at the moment, only used internally in some ops,. but might
 * turn into a global mechanism) */
void            gegl_operation_set_format    (GeglOperation *operation,
                                              const gchar   *pad_name,
                                              const Babl    *format);

const Babl *    gegl_operation_get_format    (GeglOperation *operation,
                                              const gchar   *pad_name);

const gchar *   gegl_operation_get_name      (GeglOperation *operation);

/* retrieves the node providing data to a named input pad */
GeglNode      * gegl_operation_get_source_node (GeglOperation *operation,
                                                const gchar   *pad_name);

GParamSpec ** gegl_list_properties (const gchar *operation_type,
                                    guint       *n_properties_p);

/* internal utility functions used by gegl, these should not be used
 * externally */
gboolean gegl_operation_calc_need_rects      (GeglOperation       *operation,
                                              gpointer             context_id);
void     gegl_operation_path_prop_changed    (GeglPath            *path,
                                              GeglOperation       *operation);
void     gegl_operation_invalidate            (GeglOperation       *operation,
                                               const GeglRectangle *roi,
                                               gboolean             clear_cache);



#endif /* __GEGL_OPERATION_H__ */

Generated by GNU enscript 1.6.4.