
Extending gggl

gggl aims to have an as simple op plug-in interface as possible, and strives to make it easy to implement new ops.

Browse the sources of other ops to see how they achieve things.

If you develop an Op from scratch, please implement a floating point version first,. and then implement accelerated 8bit or 16bit versions, doing it in this order will ensure ability to pass high dynamic range images through gggl.


#include <gggl/op/gggl_op.h>
The gggl_op header file, contains the base api for integrating with gggl.
#include <gggl/image/gggl_image.h>
The definition of gggl's image buffer, NOTE: parts of this structure might change.
life of an op
Explaination of the life cycle of an Op.
gggl glossary
Gives the bigger picture
tutorial on how to write gggl ops, in the style of well commented c ops, (also contains a build enviroment for testing custom ops, requires oxide, this tutorial might also be downloaded as a tarball (for compilation and experiments, look in ../../files.
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